Village of Hanover ParkUtilities Services Powered by Tyler Technologies
Effective January 1, 2019 a service fee of 2.75% with a minimum of $1.00 will be applied to the total charge. All service fees charged on debit/credit transactions are retained by the payment processing company and will show as "AMS Service Fee" on your cardholder statement.
All Service fees are non-refundable.
The Village of Hanover Park, IL does not charge or retain any of these fees.

A partir del 01de Enero 2019, se aplicará una tarifa de servicio de 2.75% con un minimo de$1.00 al cargo total.
Lacompañia de procesamiento de pagos retiene las tarifas de servico cobradas enuna transacción de debito/credito y mostrarán como “Tarifa de servicio AMS” ensu declaracion de tarjeta.
Todaslas tarifas de servicio no son reembolsables.
ElVillage de Hanover Park IL no cobra ni retiene ninguna de estas tarifas.

Update: Instructions for setting up your unique water bill account.

Available in English.

Actualización: instrucciones para configurar su cuenta de factura de agua.

Disponible en Español.

Confirm account

Provide the following information to create an account.
* Account Number Including any dashes (ie. 002923-001)
* Full Name Exactly as it appears on your bill